Thursday, December 27, 2012


 As the New Year was waiting in the wings, I met a friend for lunch.  Our conversation turned to an assessment of this past year's events.

We spoke of the advances made in science and technology in 2012; of the incredible fete of people to use and create the instrument known as Marscuriosity that now skips across Mars like a child in a playground.

We spoke of the inability of people and nations to respect each other; of the fears, man- made and real, that seemed to keep us from resolving conflict without doing further damage to people or communities on this Planet.

We spoke of reverence for so much of what we knew as acceptable communal behavior in the past; of whether or not people of all ages and cultures really understood the great, historical shift in paradigm we are a  part of and entering.

Neither of us ventured any answers. But we did seem to think the New Year gives people and nations the opportunity to meet and discuss issues and take actions that may have seemed improbable in the past. Would that will be so!

Saturday, December 22, 2012


Just before solstice, old man Winter blew his way into St. Louis with strong winds, rapidly dropping temperatures and a delicate dusting of snow. After so much warm weather even the birds were confused by the abrupt change.

Starlings which swarm in trees behind my new apartment were hard put to fly straight home. They found themselves suspended in mid air unable to go anywhere. Electric lines snapped by falling trees caused blackouts. On the street, coats, sweaters, gloves and ear muffs were seen everywhere.

Mother Nature is now right with our calendars and the seasons seem to have righted themselves.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


He sat deflated, forlon on a neighbor's lawn,  almost unable to move. Companions near him were on their  knees.

His bright color, gone. He was half the size from when I saw him last.  There on the lawn he looked more like a pile of rubble than the celebrated figure he was.
How had this happened?  Was it a stray, tearing stone or a mean spirited person that brought him down? Was it an accident?  Could it have been avoided? What do we need to do?  Will he recover?

Somehow, as I passed this heap of plastic, inflated Santa Claus the scene represented  feelings of people morning the deaths of so many, even in the season of bright twinkling lights, morning also our loss of common sense as a nation.