Monday, November 28, 2011


My grandchildren, Hoben (16) and Emma (17) took me on a tour of their school on Grandparents Day recently. Both are heads taller than me. Both are articulate, good looking, avid readers and accomplished in many ways.

Emma, who from an early age rode horses many times her size, now has her own horse which she rescued and cares for at a barn in Illinois. Her imagination lends itself well to writing and music and I was told excels at both. She plays guitar and piano and has a lovely voice like her mother and gets her musical ability from her father.

Hoben, now taller than his six foot father, has always had a curiosity about the way things are put together. His understanding of math and geography far exceeds my own. He plays drums, idolizes the Beatles and has his father's sense of humor. When he pitches for his baseball team, I am reminded of a choreographed dance.

Both children's illustrations and special projects were displayed in classrooms and hallways. When their science teachers spoke of their abilities I was hard pressed not to show my pride in them. When I left I was sure that both Hoben and Emma,like many of their peers are capable of shaping their country's future in a good way.

Saturday, November 19, 2011


As I went for coffee this morning I passed a table filled with five children and an adult. I stopped to ask if they were all from the same family. Their mother told me they were sisters and brothers. She pointed out a set of twins, another young boy and girl and her oldest, a bored adolescent who seemed in need of attention.

I mentioned to the younger children I thought it was wonderful to have a big brother. One of the girls, about seven years old, piped up, "No its not!" I leaned down and whispered in her ear, wait until you are a little bigger. Without skipping a beat she answered, "Why? Because I will want his inheritance?"

It took my breath away and I wondered, how many more seven year old children see our world this way?

Friday, November 18, 2011


When I write, I describe events and opinions of importance to me and hopefully the reader. Readers have suggested that I was less than clear with my Thanksgiving 2011 message when I wrote, "Her anger came in biblical proportions."

The sentence in question was an acknowledgement of the horrific natural disasters that have occurred here in Missouri, in our country and around the world in the past year.

We share this planet with uncountable other species, animal and otherwise. Thanksgiving provides the opportunity to recognize and respect nature's ability to bring about major disasters unanticipated by people, even as we can be grateful for our own specific good fortune.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Sometime during the month of November, the seventh billion baby was born. Mind you, that was not an exact figure but an approximation. I don't know about you, but I can't get my head around a number like that, or around budgets of trillions, or the hundreds, thousands,millions or more of one individual being worth more than another.

The resources of this planet are finite. How do we manage ourselves as well as others when there are seven billion of us? When we were children we played the game "Monopoly." We were able to count and collect each denomination and hold the bills from one to 500 dollars in our hands. We rented properties. We bought and sold utilities. It made sense!

We stopped playing "Monopoly" a long time ago. I wonder what kind of "game" will these new children play as they join us on this planet and will it make sense?