Monday, January 25, 2016


The nominating process for candidates running for president of the USA is looking more and more like a ship being tossed from wave to wave in a storm.

We, like frightened sailors on board, seem to be responding to the siren's call of Mermaids to save us from "disaster." Only it is not the siren's call that will help us, but those we elect in state houses and congressional offices who will help us.  Here is why:

When a candidate speaks of the fear of using governmental health care programs;

 when a candidate tells us that walls, not governmental policy can keep our borders safe;

 when a candidate tells us that guns don't kill people;

 when vigilantes occupy public land and claim a "right" to do so;

when we are told that those who don't succeed are losers;

when we are told that federal and state taxes are no longer necessary to provide public education;

when we are told there is no such thing as climate change and we are deluged with rain and snow

and ice and flooding;

do we then not understand it is the siren's voice leading us further on into dangerous waters?

Or are we too frightened to try to steady our ship with the hard work of all on board?

When I listen to the speeches of candidates, I am reminded of the science-fiction author Philip Dick who wrote: "The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the word,"  and then went on
to say, "reality is that which when you stop believing in it doesn't go away."

It was Ted Cruz's venture into writing a children's "mythical" story for his daughter about the nominating process that caught my attention to how much we use mythology to blur the reality of
injustices we want to sometimes forget.

Yet even with all the wild talk and the slang and gestures better suited for the local bar, I am reminded that it is the polling place that will help people sort out mythology from reality.

 And it is in our votes at the polling place we will hear the fearless songs of honesty and fairness that has served this country so well, not the siren's song or mythical story.


Saturday, January 2, 2016


For readers who like me are concerned about the lack of laws and regulations to curb the development of Flood Plains, or Land Fills that are placed on the banks of rivers, or the gun industry that flaunts its bullying of shortsighted legislators, lets take a breather and witness something truly historic.

A total Solar-Eclipse will ocurr on August 21 of 2017. Though we have been able to sometimes view parts of the route taken by other eclipses, this one will pass directly above us and take a path from Seattle in the West Coast pass over the Mid West and go on to the East Coast at
supersonic speeds.

Plans for this event have been underway for sometime. NASA has mapped the path the Solar-Eclipse will take. Organizations, cities and states, tourist bureaus and hotels in the path of the Eclipse are already making plans to accommodate the number of people who will want to put on special viewing glasses to see the event themselves.

The last time a total Solar-Eclipse crossed the land we now call America was on June 13, 1257. If you miss this one in 2017, you will have to wait  three more Centuries for the next one to go by.

Oh, and by the way if you are planning a big outdoor event for August 21, 2017 and are in the viewing area of the total eclipse, better check out the availability of Port-a-potties as they are
already in short supply.

The following addresses will provide additional information:
and .