Thursday, April 25, 2024

This is a REAL Lockdown

This is a real Lockdown.
This photograph was shown to the population, to citizens.
It was printed showing prison inmates in El Savador.

When I first saw the image, it seemed to me that it was a
perfect example of how laws are not abided by.
I hope we never forget the effects of lawlessness.
As shown in the image, many people disregard laws.

Not only does inprisonment negatively affect inmates,
but families and citizens are also impacted.
From actions commited that resulted in imprisonment
in El Savador, society is often left with laws that deepen 

The population of those who are in the prison 
shows that lawlessness of this sort has a great surge of gang 
activity, which is not only subjected to gangs in El Savador, 
but those all over the world.

Stay safe. wear your mask. and VOTE.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Come Take a Ride With Me!

When Trump turned to crowds watching him, he came out his 
helicopter. He said, "Come on, I'll take you for a ride!"

Like the song "In my yellow submarine", Trump did indeed take 
a boatload of passengers. He gave each of us matching red hats,
a spectacular view of the world, and we believed him! We had
so much fun. There was so little to worry about. Trump had little
to do. He told us, "This was the way the world works."

No! This is not the way the world works. The world sits on top of the
Earth. Sometimes, the planet moves upward. Sometimes the ground 
erupts spasm-like in places burying our hopes and creating our fears.
But, we know that there is much more to living than simply buying a
ticket for Trump's helicopter ride. We can and will be keepers for our
own security and safety.

May you and your family stay in good health and enjoy the holidays.

Stay safe. Get vaccinated. Wear your masks. and VOTE.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Who influences Creativity?

Sometimes in an effort to be creative we can create 
confusion.  Unfortunately I did so by trying to link 
you and your family with plans another family has
for Passover. I caused confusion. Please accept my 
apology. I extend good wishes for Passover, and the 
important celebration you have planned.

Stay safe. wear your masks. and VOTE!
