Saturday, August 31, 2024



I look out my window searching for the Blue Moon. 

If nature proves me reliable, I am about to see the Blue Moon of June for
which songs are written.  I wonder, does this moon hide behind clouds?

I look at the pictures here on my desk. There are pictures of my family. I have

two sons, a daughter-in-law and two beautiful grandchildren.  My grandson

married the woman he met and courted in Webster Universty in St. Louis. 

My granddaughter who, attended Bard University, recreated her brother's 

nuptuals here in my apartment for those of us unable to attend the Wedding

in Austan Texas.  

Also are pictures from, family, friends, neices 

nephews and their large and small pets.  Tucked away in a  picture-holder

is a broken replica of Carpenters' Hall in Phildelphia, Pennsylvania,

for which I served as a doesant in the 70s. 

I was born during the depression of the 20s.   I knew the fun of discovery 

with my parents, four grandparents, two on mother's side and two from my father. 

I grew up with aunts and uncles and their spouses. 

From these we became one of a cherished group of first and second cousins.  

As we grew, we formed a large Cousins' Club. We met through the years. The Club was

established in the 50s.  Our first meeting was held in an old, three- story guest house

around the corner from the Knife & Fork Inn off the Boardwalk in Atlantic City, N.J.

Our numbers increased as our family grew from generation to generation.  

We incorporated different lifestyles, moved further from one another

but tried to "keep in touch".  We went from one State to other States

and  from countries around the world.  Still there remained a love of our family.

We came together once in a while.  We were all ages. Children, 

grandchildren, greatgrandchildren and those bringing  a child

of their own or a friend's child.  We developed a newspaper.

We published our own editorial style. Some  columns were chatty. 

 One writer selected joke stories.  Recipes were shared and we

wrote articles about books, music, philosophy, poetry and sports.

While through the years, we learned about wars. We planted

vegabtable and flower gardens. Under it all we were striving for

the oppertunity to work, to prosper for justice and peace. Our

grandchildren celebrated mariages, graduations, traveled to places

near and far. Even so, at my age of 95, I still feel I am growing.

Planet earth holds a fascination for me as do the wetlands off 

the Jersey Coast.  There is still an Election to win and savor and

still time to extend good wishes to all as we begin Autum 2024.


Wear a mask. Wash your hands.


