Friday, September 11, 2009

SEPTEMBER 11, 2001

On this day, eight years ago, we remember the innocent lives lost at the World Trade Center. To retaliate we sent, and still send others in pursuit of questionable enemies. Before that day, bombings and shootings in public or private places were thought to be deviations, not necessarily having an impact on all of us. In one day, all that changed. We were forced to recognize our vulnerability as individuals and as a nation. The wound had been to all of us.

For many years, we have lived safe and secure in our country. We have been protected from the rest of the world by two magnificent oceans. We were blessed to have good neighbors at each border, north and south of us. We were invincible! Can we still afford the luxury of thinking we are not vulnerable? If we are vulnerable, how do we protect ourselves from calloused manipulation of institutions and false information?

Just as we remember innocent lives lost eight years ago, so too do we need to recognize and respect our vulnerability as individuals and as a nation. Let this be our tribute to those no longer here.

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