Saturday, June 2, 2012


This past February, I visited a friend in Florida. While there, I went with my host to the Palm Beach County Office to renew his Driver's License. At the County Office, there were almost 200 people in the Waiting Room. Most everyone had been there more then two hours, us included.

My friend and his wife have been living and voting in Florida more than 25 years. They have maintained their Driver's License and their Voter Registration Cards all that time. For 2012, they were required to produce original copies of more documents than I have space to enumerate.

Waiting with him, I thought of Ms. Piggy and how she would handle all this. I think she would go to the middle of the room and yell, "ATTENTION!" The room would quiet and she would say, "We all know what this is all about! ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS INDEED! All of us have enough documents right now! I am going home and write a letter to the most important person I know to put an end to all this nonsense." She would toss her hair, twirl around and leave. As I wished we had done.

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