Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Memorial Day 2013 commemorated the sacrifices so many made in foreign lands and here at home. We remembered in small cemeteries and national ones. We remembered them and their families in community and veteran hospitals across the land.  Religious services for the dead and wounded were offered in tabernacles and mosques.

We draped flags, barbecued favorite dishes, played baseball, golf and croquet and favorite games with children and grandchildren.  We tended our farms and animals. Others worked through the holiday caring for the frail and ill among us. Still others spent the day working to rebuild national and man-made structures devistated by wind or flood, sometimes both .

Bands played.   Radios blared.  We strummed guitars and banjos and sang old and familiar songs.
Some festivities were well attended, others canceled by storms. Speeches were made. Officials spoke of freedom, liberty and  opportunity.  Yet, many of these same officials seem to have forgotten  what the treasure of  this country is all about.

It seems somewhere along the way to "governance" legislators are consumed with a process known as nullification.  The term is often used as an excuse for lack of enactment or implementation of laws which already or would  provide for the "good and welfare" of people.

So it was that on this Memorial Day in particular, amid all the colorful parades, decorations and speeches, I wondered why we, as citizens, continue to elect and support officials whose greatest achievement is to nullify laws that have served us well in the past?

Is it not time that as citizens we lose our fear of "government"?

Beverly D. Rehfeld, Citizen

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