Wednesday, October 30, 2013


The night was chilly and misty.  But she had decided to  go out anyway.
She put on a rain cape and pulled the hood over her face.  She went out
and headed straight for the pumpkin patch. I know my way she thought.

Mist covered the ground. It was scary.  As she walked along, she thought
she saw a mob of people making their way toward her.  They were being
led by the tiniest bird. Then she began to see the people were all
very small children in single file like in a parade.

The leader had big floppy ears and was carrying a WWII flyer's helmet
 and wore a white scarf. The last child was waving what looked like a big letter.

All of sudden some one pulled at her coat.  She looked down and saw
a  round bald headed kid.  It was Charlie Brown!* He pulled her down
and whispered, "Want to know what's in the letter ?"

According to Charlie the kid was writing to the great Pumpkin.  The kid
asked the great Pumpkin if he could help the children understand a few
things like why people were losing their good senses.  Charlie continued talking.

Like asking the Great Pumpkin why people were
telling lies.  Like saying kids don't want to learn to read, or other things.
Like guns don't kill people or why moms and dads were called lazy
because they did not have a job or why people were so mean to each
other and other lies about a whole bunch of stuff to each other.

That's when Charlie paused.  He Looked up and then looked directly into her eyes
and asked "Do you know why?" and then he disappeared into the misty night.

                           *  *  *  *  *

*With apology to Charles M. Schulz. 1922 - 2000


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