Tuesday, December 24, 2013


One of the ways I overcome winter's frigid weather  is by listening to  music like Paul McCartney's symphonic poem, "Standing Stone."

McCartney describes the power of ordinary places,  the quest for answers to age-old questions and his own fascination with Celtic mysticism in music that is extraordinary.  He spent four years composing what he considered his second "largest scale classic work."

The poem itself is worth a read.  McCartney concludes his verse's  opening introduction by saying,
"I hope the music is strong enough to stand alone without help from the poem and that you, the listener will enjoy what you hear."  It does and I do!

So if you are tired of heavy coats and boots, of  chipping ice off the windshield, and wishing you were some place other than where you are, turn on your favorite music and let the melodies transplant you to warmer spots.

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