Friday, October 30, 2015


Recently I attended an afternoon meeting in one of St. Louis's affluent suburbs.

I was early so I parked next to the curb a few doors down from the address I wanted.
While I waited for the meeting to begin, I pulled out my phone to catch up on my messages.

I was engrossed in conversation when I noticed a cobalt blue luxury sedan pull up and stop next to me.

My first inclination was that I had parked in some one's space. My car is a '98 beat up sedan.

I looked up. There was a well groomed meticulously dressed man shouting at me
through his car's closed window .

 I turned my phone off and opened my window to find out what was wrong.

The driver who was red in the face was pointing at the back of my car and waving his hands. At first I was frightened by his demeanor. His words were less than gentle  they were accusatory and filled with rage.

When I took a breath and listened for a moment, I realized his problem was not with me, my car or the space I had pulled into. None of these bothered him. What bothered him was a sign I had on the rear bumper of my car that said, "Gun Sense Voter."

When I got over my fright, his arrogant, insulting words did not bother me as much as the ignorance displayed by one with the intelligence to know better. After his tirade had passed, he drove off and I was glad that neither he nor I had a gun with us.

Would that I could say the same for people in other towns and cities throughout this land.

1 comment :

  1. That encounter sounds scary. Some gun owners seem to love their guns beyond reason.
