Tuesday, March 22, 2016


A long time ago,. when we were children, our parents took my sister, my brother and me to a very special place.  At the time we lived next to a beautiful, sometimes violent Ocean that had piers extending from its shore to its waters.

One such pier was a truly magical place that we entered by a boardwalk. Before we went
inside, we stood outside to watch  live Punch and Judy puppets.

Each time when Judy said something that would upset Punch, he yelled at her, and punched
her in the head until she fell down.

We could not hear what he had said but we were sure it was something awful. We would yell
and scream and jump up and down in consort what was happening on the stage. Our screaming
drowned out the sound of the Ocean, just a few feet away.

When we went inside we walked across old boards and could see the Ocean below as the tide
came in with great swells.  We were sure each swell would gobble us up.

At the end of the pier there were booths with all kinds of dazzling stuff from stuffed animals, toys and games at which we could "win" some of the stuff .

The smells of pop corn, fudge, and french fried potatoes over-powered the smell of  salty sea breezes that drifted our way.
When we spotted a lopsided dark structure, called the "Fun House", its  loud sound track and
its raucous laughter fascinated us but also made us a little reluctant to proceed. But proceed
we did.

Once inside, there were mirrors that made us look skinny or fat, short or tall and whistles and
scary sounds came from everywhere, the floor, the wall, the ceiling.  There were
many doors, each opening into something more scary giving us the feeling we would soon
come upon one that opened and dumped us into the sea below.

At the end of the pier a very tall ladder and platform held the famous, real live Diving Horse and blond-haired rider.  We never gave a thought to the harm that could befall the rider or horse because
both had "magical" power that could keep them from harm.

There were costumed hawkers in flashy dress and tall, spangled hats, some with canes and megaphones who invited us to "buy a ticket", come inside and be treated to something

I thought of all of this, the high pitched organ grinder and monkey with a red and gold
pill box hat, the screams and squeals from children and adults alike, the pushing crowds,
the crying children who were "lost"as I watched Donald Trump and his entourage during
his campaign for "office."

I thought of the color and sounds of people as they watched  fetes of "magic"during a balmy
summer night when we knew for sure all these things were "true."

I think now and wonder how can we trade this country's lasting beauty for something or someone as grotesque as Donald Trump's call to "buy" into his brand of "magic."

Are we still looking for a ticket to the fun house or can we step back and distinguish "magical"
thinking from the real work we must do as citizens from the glitter of Donald Trump and the
Punch and Judy show?


  1. What a brilliant description of life on the pier at Atlantic City!

  2. Thanks Stanley, hope all is well in Denmark.

  3. Awesome post, Cousin Beverly! Hard to believe people are still drinking the punch and buying into his crazy talk. Hopefully, the actual election will come out in favor of reason.

  4. This is a great analogy. He is quite a demagogue. Not to overdraw or exaggerate, he reminds me of the exhibit we saw at the Mo History Museum on the early rise of Hitler.


    1. Me too Susan! See you at the polls!

  5. How singular of you to marry your magical memories of the high pitched organ grinder and his monkey to the red and gold barker in our midst. Scary/frightening.
