Friday, October 28, 2016


Recently, I joined a friend to attend two fascinating scientific lectures.

Both presented the advances in answering questions once thought to be without merit.

The titles alone could have been off-putting: "Splitting Hairs Over the Distance to the Nearest Star," by Dr, Keter M. Murch and the other "Unsung Heroes of Quantum Physics by Michael Ogilive."

Each lecturer was knowledgeable and related scientific information and exploration to the technology we now take for granted.  Each lecturer brought an excitement for inquisitiveness and teaching.

As we listened, often to theory and language strange to my ear, I thought of the questions now before us as we go to the polls to vote for candidates and issues that will affect us in very human ways.

Will we vote for our own personal priorities?  Do we vote to advance the opportunity for many or do we dictate the "right way" to be designated by a few?  Do we question our own responsibility in respecting and maintaining or destroying communal behavior?

So it is that I think of the vote we need to make in the important elections of 2016 and the questions we need to ask ourselves as well as the questions we need to ask of those who want to represent us.


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