Tuesday, March 13, 2018


Clouds blocked our vision of the huge beautiful moon.

The night was cold but invigorating.  Though we could not see the moon, we knew it was there but it was of little help in navigating the unfamiliar road.

We wound around curves and had to drive through road construction that was poorly lit.  Through it all   there was no moon and little light yet there was no turning back.

For me that evening's ride was like a metaphor for my feelings about what is happening to our country.

We know and understand the opportunity that so many of us and our ancestors have had and enjoy.

Yet we are reluctant to offer these opportunities to others. Why?

We know that guns kill people.  But we are reluctant to give up weapons, once used for sustenance and protection in wide-open isolated homes and communities are now used to gun down people.  Why?

We are told the best protection we can have is with a doctrine that tells us we need not think for ourselves.  Why?

We have always respected and safe guarded individual religious beliefs and non believers alike. Now we are told that societies must make personal choices  which are contrary to what we believe.  Why?

We are told we represent one kind of ism or another because we question public policy.  Why?

We plead for civil, respectful dialogue on domestic, national and international issues.  Now we are told
that sensitive, complex issues which affect us are off limits.  Why?

Like my trip on an unfamiliar road from which there was no turning back, my experience that night
reminds me of the dilemma we face today.   Should we turn back in fear of what lies ahead or go forward?  Is it fear that clouds our ability to recognize reality?

The answer dear reader is yours to make.

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