Friday, November 30, 2018


On the last week in November I took a cab to get to my appointment in another neighborhood.  The driver was a big, broad shouldered burly man with very large hands.  He had his radio on. He barely turned his head as I got in.The news coming from Washington, D.C. was fast-breaking. I asked him what he thought of all we heard.

"I don't know.  I watched this President since I was a kid.  I idolized Trump.  He was slick, successful and I wanted to be like him.  Then he went to Washington and I don't know what happened." As I listened my driver spoke of his disappointment and dissatisfaction with our President's behavior and language . The driver told me that he worked all his life, had two "kids" and one grandchild and had began to drive a cab because he lost his job about six months ago. 

This time, when I reached my destination he came around to open the door and said, "Thanks for listening." 

My belief in the strength of our laws for justice and people's ability to use common sense gave me hope for the future on the last rainy day of November 2018.

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