Saturday, September 7, 2019


After dinner last night, Don and I walked out into the dark night.  The sky was clear of clouds except for the brightly shinning half-moon over head. We followed a path to a small group of people who were huddled about telescopes.* They were untroubled by our presence and invited us to join them.  We peered through a number of different telescopes and learned in detail what we saw. Next to me there was an elderly women seated in her walker waiting for her turn at the telescope.  People of all ages milled about and spoke in hushed voices.

When my turn came at the telescope I was excited and awed.  I was able to see the craters on the moon.  The colorful bands surrounding Saturn were visual.  Venuses small surrounding planets were visible and were explained to me as creating a picture similar to what our astronauts saw when they looked back at Planet Earth from the moon.

Each day people around the world live with similar issues.  Issues like gun control, human and creature migration, pollution and the abuse we perpetrate upon each other and the environment.  Often our patience and tolerance for others is short and we begin to forget the significance of law in our personal behavior when our leaders represent greed and corruption.  As hard as it maybe, there is a great need to begin to deal with honesty and justice in States across this country and to try to understand the changes we may need to make for our own life style.

It is in this spirit and with great humility that I extend good wishes to my readers and their families for the New Year and the holidays which follow in 2019.


*This custom is often offered by Astronomical and Science Centers
in States across the Country.

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