Saturday, July 9, 2022




The Turtle's name was Inky.  He had a beautiful, hard multicolored  shell. 
His arms and legs were very sturdy.  He had come a long way. When 
Inky reached the beach, he was very puzzled.

There were no sea shells.  There was nothing to remind him of where he
was.  He stretched his long neck out and saw something behind a very
large dune.  He thought, maybe it is a road.  Maybe the road will take me 
to waters I know. So he walked up to the road.  There was a lot of noise. 
Then he saw a small yard by the road.  He went there to rest.

That evening, a group of people saw the Turtle. One picked it up.and said, 
Lets make Turtle Soup for dinner. The second  man said, I will bring pots 
and pans. The third man said I will bring the table. The fourth man said
I will bring a red table cloth.  The fifth man said I will bring gold knives 
and forks and a pot filled with green leafs. The sixth man said lets cook  
tomorrow. Then they all went to sleep.  Some tried to turn Inky the Turtle 
on its back and laughed.  

There was a Spider on the wall who saw everything and whispered
to Inky, "Don't worry." I will build a very strong web to keep you safe. 
The Spider, built a very strong web. The  oysters, clams, and sand pipers 
helped Inky the Turtle reach calm waters.  When the mean people
got up in the morning they were surprised. Inky the Turtle was gone
and so was the soup.

And that is why I believe Joseph Biden, Jr. will get us through the next
four years, as long as each one of us give our President all the votes he 
needs for the election process.


Wear your mask.  Stay five feet apart.
  And get your shots.

With apology to the many writers who
write of Inky and to remember the many
stories by HINKY, my father.

1 comment :

  1. I enjoyed this positive hopeful inspiring concept.
