Monday, August 29, 2022


NASA's next big Mission: to replace 

it's small ROVER on MARS with Helicopters.  

I first heard about this on CSPAN and in the papers.

Defying Gravity, was written by the same woman who has worked

at the US Government Space Agency for many years.  She is

articulate, and has written a factual book about her experience.  

The week before, I read that the total cost of Mars Sample Return

Mission, in collaboration with the European Space Agency,

will cost billions of dollars. But through the effort of both

Agencies, people from around the world will be able to learn

about the make up of a rock that comes from Mars.

At the same time, people are  following  reports of 

Attorney General B. Garland's attempt to seek information
about laws and justice in our Country.  

While  our President  Joe Biden is withstanding 

unprovoked criticism for trying to spend billions 

on so many issues, when all he seeks is that we vote. 

Why, when we have the opportunity to listen to his words? 

Do we not trust ourselves to elect honest, trustworthy candidates?

Once we have broken our trust with each other, how do we plan for the future?


Wash your hands.  Wear your mask.
Get your shots. VOTE