Wednesday, August 30, 2023


As the world turned from one century to the other,

the years were about to go from 1999 to 2000.  At the time,

people and businesses, had little international understanding

of what might happen when clocks would adhere to 2000. 

Top level management of many different  facilities and

Religious Communities predicted castastrophe, even though

humanity has been through more wars than historians

could accurately study.  So it was that when I reached the year

2023, my birth year of age 94, I was concerned about the planet's 

ability to survive. 

 Now as we prepare for the New Year,

I will mark my 95th birthday. I will do so by remembering the 

events that I believe will keep us hopeful. I use this small 

story, Magic Lady Reaches 94, to express the hope that I have for us.


In 1891 there was a fairly priced department store called Lit Brothers.

The store became more moderately priced and was called Strawbridge 

and Clothier. There were larger stores such as John Wanamaker and 


In 1991, Colonel Samuel David Lit opened the small store at 7th and 

8th streets.The store became a major Christmas Outlet. It was well known

and popular for its "ENCHANTED VILLAGE", in which Magic 

lady and other holiday characters were there, from 

Thanksgiving to Christmas. 

Some Oil Company bought the original store and reactivated it to 

make it the "Please Touch Musuem." The musuem than contributed 

to the "American Treasure Chest", which is now located in 

a Business Center in Oaks, Pa, west of Valley Forge Historical Park.

So it is, that in the New Year, 2024, when the "Magic Lady" reaches 

95, let us remember that faith, education, and trust in each other, even 

in the face of conflict, allows us to enjoy humanity and life to its fullest. 




Wear your mask. Take your shots.

Stay Good and VOTE!


  1. Happy Birthday, Dear Beverly! Your spirit, your intelligence and your actions for the common good are inspiring. Wishing you many more Posts, and happy times.

  2. Happy Birthday Beverly with warm wishes from Perryville. Trish

  3. Happy birthday!! I appreciate your comments and insights.
