Friday, February 20, 2009


Bill Gates made the tools to use the Internet. Bernie Madoff used the Internet to become a world-class criminal. My grandchildren, with the guidance of their parents and teachers, glide around the Internet as if on roller blades.

I know that when I hit "send," somehow my message reaches people around the world quickly. I still don't understand how it works. Be that as it may, I figured I would just go ahead and start blogging on this Internet.

Now I learn that the masters of technology are trying to develop Internet II. I have even less of an idea about what that means.

I do know that I feel like Alice in Wonderland when she tries to make sense of the Mad Hatter's conversation. The conversation made little sense to Alice but the Hatter thought he knew what he was talking about. Maybe he did. And maybe Internet II makes sense but don't ask me to explain either.

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