Wednesday, July 22, 2009


On the eve of my eightieth year, I watched as a red glow raced across the St. Louis sky. The sun was about to rise even as a crescent moon was still high in the sky. I was on my way to catch an early morning flight to start a month long visit to the East Coast. As I watched the sun's arrival, I understood the power it has had on people, rituals and beliefs through the years.

Taking the advice of Vice President Joesph R. Biden, Jr., I donned a face mask and boarded my flight. In the seats next to me were a woman and her young son who was flying for the first time. The boy was excited and a bit frightened at the same time. He pressed his head close to the window as we passed through billowing clouds. No matter the startling scenery, he put on his IPOD and all strangeness seemed to give way. He was in his comfort zone once again.

At my layover, I was joined by a large, new car dealer from Texas. Asked how things were in his state, he said, "Just fine!" Later in the conversation, he said he might need to change his new car dealership to a used car one. The years have made me cautious about nay sayers. This gentleman seemed no exception.

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