Friday, February 19, 2010


In the winter my grandmother drank her tea out of a glass. She had lovely china, but she enjoyed warming her hands on the hot glass. Grandma was the matriarch of the family. She was an insatiable reader and believed that education was an imperative. Yet, she could not stand people who had all the answers, especially when she knew they were wrong.

She was a staunch Democrat. If anyone in the family was a Republican, she would want to know why? Then she would tell the upstart why the Democrats were better for the people and this country. When a pompous doctor asked if she knew who was the president? She answered, "Yes, don't you?"

I don't think she would have joined the Tea Party nor been fooled by quick answers. I am sure she would have told everybody to listen to the president. He is working for you and the country. And yeah, calm down and pour yourself a glass of hot tea.

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