Thursday, February 9, 2012


Recently, one of the candidates running for office described the middle part of the Country as a "Sea of Red."

When I first began to paint, I learned about the use of color. I learned there was no such thing as a "pure" color. Tints of blue, yellow, green, purple, black and even white can be found in any color including red. Since moving to Missouri, I have been exposed to the many colors and broad range of thinking of my fellow citizens. Misleading pundits and political gurus often place people who live in the Midwest, East, West, and South for that matter in a one-color landscape.

Folks, there is no such thing as a "pure" color, unless we believe that the colors of nature are "pure" and without different shades. The next time you hear of a "Sea" of any color, open your eyes and ears, take a walk outside, look at the nearest bush, squint your eyes and you may find what you are looking at is made up of many colors just as are the needs of people.

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