Friday, March 28, 2014


Whatever the facts are about the infamous New Jersey bridge closing my message to Ms. Kelly is hang in there!

When someone as powerful as the Governor of New Jersey needs to resort to character assassination to make his "case" you can be sure there is a lot more to investigate beside the character of his staff.

I hope that Miss Kelly realizes that men and women across New Jersey and this Country understand what abuse of power means, even when a powerful person is able to coerce another to commit questionable acts.

So Bridget Anne Kelly, even as hard as it is, we support you and will not be mislead by still more bullying.  Hang in there sister!


  1. I can't agree with you, Beverly. We don't know exactly what Gov. Christie did. If and when we do know, he'll face the consequences, and of course he's ultimately responsible for the actions of his subordinates.

    But we do know what Ms. Kelly did. Not only is she not worthy of our support, I've been thinking about what criminal charges she ought to face. How about unlawful detention? (On the bridge.) Do you know a woman died while an ambulance was caught in a lane-closure traffic jam? We don't know if the delay contributed to her death. But it's something to think about.

    1. Thank you for your comment Howard. Blame for the New Jersey Bridge saga will be determined by the testimony of Ms. Kelly and others in a court of law. The fate of elected officials who misuse and abuse public office will be determined by voters no matter rhetoric or bluster. Beverly Rehfeld

  2. Keep in mind too, that there was clearly an environment that in some way condoned political bullying and misuse of power. This is a reflection of Governor Christie's personality and should surprise nobody. Let's also not forget the appointment of clearly unqualified people to the highest positions at the Port Authority, a multibillion dollar enterprise. Whether or not laws were broken, this is an obvious example of mismanagement and cronyism at its worst.
