Monday, April 21, 2014


The Fort Hood killings, and  the daily number of innocent men, women and children killed in rural and urban areas across this country should cry out to all of us that we need to hold our elected officials accountable for keeping us less than safe.

We are being hood winked by one of this country's largest profit-making industries and businesses  when we are told to look into mental health illness and poor security as reasons for allowing military weapons and ammunition to be available at open unregulated markets and flea markets. 

When we are told the best way to protect out schools, our public places, our homes is to shoot to kill, we are being referred to the wrong "book" for guidance.  When we are told to arm ourselves against a possible invasion of aliens, fascists or the government itself, we are nurturing the very environment that produces chaos.

Yes, we do need more mental health programs to better understand ourselves and others, but that  cannot replace the hard scrutiny by legislators of the profit-making gun and ammunition industry which roams freely across this land without rules and regulations.

It's time to hold our elected officials and their voting records accountable for the loss of so many innocent lives, not only the mental health system or even powerful lobbies. We need to elect men and women who will begin to write laws that will enable us to trace where guns and military like weapons and ammunition are keep in our communities and why. 

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