Friday, July 11, 2014


The photograph of a tall man standing by the check-out counter of a store wearing a shotgun slung over his shoulder caught my attention. Below the photograph was a small article.

The article said that a new "trend" seemed to be happening in the battle for gun control.  Chain stores, churches, malls, theaters and other public places are beginning to post signs that say "no guns," even in states that have carry laws.

When I read this, I wondered why would this be happening?

Why would this be happening in states and areas that have welcomed the gun business? Maybe it is because retailers, sales people and consumers do not want to shop in the middle of a shoot-out.

Why would the Clergy post "no gun" signs outside houses of worship? Maybe because Clergy know it is going to take more than  faith and a "good person with a gun to stop an irrational person with a gun" from entering their sanctuary and killing people.

Why would legislators and the NRA need to blame lack of community mental health programs for the daily murders and massive atrocities committed in our neighborhoods?  Maybe it is to keep us busy hunting for the needle in a haystack while the business of gun and ammunition sales soar.

Why would the NRA and legislators  support laws to encourage parents to use shooting ranges and  other devices to teach their children how to use guns "safely?" Maybe it is because the NRA and legislators want to lower the current age limit for the sale of guns to sell more guns to minors.

Why would public school administrators defy the NRA and legislators by not allowing teachers and students to bring guns to the classroom?  Maybe because administrators and parents know that student and teacher safety is best assured by trained, accountable police forces.

There is much to celebrate in this country.  There is much to be grateful for too in the concept of  laws to guide us toward justice and fairness and for government which provides the opportunity to
learn, to speak our mind and to elect people who we believe will hold our well-being as a priority.

The NRA holds much power but it is not absolute power.  We need to remind legislators that even in the "good old days" of the wild West, people posted "no gun signs" at the town's limits and elected a Sheriff to restore law and order and get rid of vigilantes.

2014 is the year to disarm the NRA by using common sense.  2014 is the year to elect legislators who will use their common sense to stop the sale and distribution of unregistered guns and ammunition that are killing innocent people and disrupting our way of life.

 Common sense is a strong, old fashioned American virtue.  We need to use it now.

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