Monday, July 21, 2014


Here in St. Louis we have been experiencing glorious weather as much of the country suffers through horrific storms, flooding and draught.  Even so, we are grateful for the cool, bright mornings and warmth which creeps in later in the day.

The weather is more "Fall-like" and walkers make the best of it on trails and in parks.  I live near one trail, really more a path  that runs about two miles in one direction but continues on for miles.

The trail near me has wild foliage on one side, while the other side skirts an area of commercial shops  and homes.  The walkers hail from St. Louis, Russia, Asia, South America, Europe and Mexico.

As I pass them I am treated to the lyrical sounds of their native languages mixed in with  broad Midwestern drawls. No matter the spoken greeting, we "converse" with a smile, wave of the hand and a "good morning", and I feel we bring the world a little bit closer.

People walk alone  or in pairs.  Some walk with pets.  Some ride bicycles with children.  All smile easily and when the weather is good, gesture, "what a day!"

Our trail is inhabited by song birds. squirrels, and families of rabbits.  Some walkers stop to pull a berry or two from a wild bush and one is growing his own herb garden in a discarded paint can.

The path is used by people of all ages.  Two walkers in particular, who I guess are in their 80s or 90s
always walk together.  One is half the size of the other.  They move in unison and seem to roll from side to side with each stride.

The gentle breezes, the cumulous clouds and blue skies remind me of the seashore, but as the humidity begins to build, walkers will leave the delightful trail and head for the Mall.  There,
bird calls will come through speakers, the air will be cool and dry but we will still be walking.

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