Sunday, September 7, 2014


Welcome to Missouri Eric Holder!  I write as a citizen of the United States of America and a resident of Missouri.

When you came here a few weeks ago I was impressed with your bravery in the face of disorder and in the way you listened to our concerns.  Now, I am gratified with the direction you have taken to sort out the events here and in other Fergusons throughout the country.

Here in Missouri, our legislature will reconvene in just a few days. At this meting our elected representatives will attempt to overturn the Governor's vetoes of questionable Bills passed by the legislature that appeared to be unconstitutional.

I know that as a voter, my responsibility is to contact my legislators to uphold the Governor's vetoes which I have done. But in light of what we have witnessed in the Fergusons throughout our country, I wondered how we can so easily explain away the disregard for Federal Law by our legislators?

I know that the task in front of you and us  is not an easy one. It is not easy to realize that each of us, voters, elected officials communities, and nations alike make mistakes or have prejudices, much less to try to overcome and correct them fairly.

I still believe in the vast majority of the people in this country and in the state of Missouri. I believe in the pride and quest for opportunity that each of us have even as we are embarrassed by revelations that we are less than we would like to be. I believe in you, Eric Holder and Justice.

I wish you and the men and women who represent you here and around the country well. May we come to know each other in better times.

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