Tuesday, September 30, 2014


All across this Country in places like Chicago, in San Francisco, Philadelphia, in Atlanta and along the Bayou people will no longer be denied this Country's promise of equal opportunity under law.

As we now know, neither state mottos, nor public relations campaigns, nor apologies which come too late, will quiet the outrage of people who have been denied their humanity.

Nor will people turn the other cheek when Federal Laws are disregarded for some while other citizens are held accountable for their actions or penalized for contrived offenses.

In the Fergusons across this great Nation, self-interest has been revealed for the corruption it nourishes.

No longer is it acceptable to offer less than worthy education in one public school while others  thrive.

No longer is it acceptable to look the other way when sensibl gun control laws are killed as killings go on daily in schools, on our streets  and in all public places.

No longer is it acceptable to allow great disparity between wages earned for a day's work and wages,
calculated on sophisticated, often little understood formulas for financial gain.

The people of Ferguson seek recognition of their humanity by the police, by the courts and by Law.
They are along with others marching across this nation for the justice we all speak about and now wish to claim.

No longer is it acceptable to obstruct the right to vote with political manipulation of wards, districts, zip codes or with arbitrary borders.

They and we will reclaim fair and just representation by voting for those who do and those who will represent us honestly and fairly to improve the quality of our lives and the lives of those who follow.

This then, is what people across this country will vote to do in midterm elections.

1 comment :

  1. Hi Beverly,
    Finally found the link to Mumia's speech
    Please disregard my post from earlier and the phone call.
    warmly, Suzanne

