Monday, October 27, 2014


Dorothy, auntie Em, uncle Henry and all of America are glad that you and Toto survived the tornado.

We know that with the help of Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Lion you found and followed the yellow brick road to bring you back home.

We know too that while you made your way on the yellow brick road you encountered many fast-talking pundits, and brightly colored signs known as commercials that were rigged to scream the wrong directions as you tried to figure which way to go.

There were even signs that called safe roads unsafe and ones that said the opposite. Yet, you did not let lies or wild monkeys or witches deter you from getting back to Auntie Em.

It was a long journey during which you heard and saw things that made no sense. You pushed on looking for a right way to get out of the strange mess you were in and hoping to find the City of Oz.

And boy, when you saw the City of Oz it was glistening, and sparkling. It was way up high on a hill that looked like a mountain. You were sure you would find the Wizard who had all true answers.

As pretty as it all was and as excited as you were, you were still scared but forged ahead.

When you entered the great City of Oz, Toto leapt from your arms and ran in the direction of the sound of a voice that boomed and ricocheted off billowing clouds of smoke.

Then Toto grabbed hold of the curtain, pulled it back and revealed an old man pulling lots of levers behind all the smoke and mirrors. When you saw all this, you remembered all that Auntie Em and Uncle Henry had done to try to keep you safe.

They told you to always stay out of the way of storms and to always use your good sense even as the tornado upended all that you loved.

So Dorothy we celebrate the safe return of you and Toto but now we need your help.

We are about to have a mid-term election. In it we need to have people vote for candidates who tell us the truth as did your Auntie Em and Uncle Henry.

We know we are at a disadvantage. We do not have red slippers to click and take us to more equitable places.

Some of the candidates running for office will not do right by all the people and are as weak kneed as was Lion before he found his courage.

Some of the candidates tell us that gun control, registration and regulation are bad. We know that is not so. What they have to say sounds like it is coming from Scarecrow before he got his brain.

Other candidates tell us that health plans intended to help all of us in time of turmoil are not possible. Or that fair wages that go to people like Auntie Em and Uncle Henry are unfeasible. We know that even Tin Man's new heart would fail him with such lies.

So Dorothy we need your help to get people to recognize the importance of the 2014 mid-term election.

We need people to come out and vote. We need people to use their heads and figure out that neither government, nor unions, nor education, nor science, are witches. They are there to help us.

Dorothy, can we count on you to help us?  We need to get people to vote for level headed candidates with the newly found courage of Lion, the newly discovered brain of Scare Crow and the brand new heart of Tin Man.

You see Dorothy, we need you to show us the real road to the future!


  1. hahahaha! At first I thought that you were LITERALLY writing to/about me!

    1. In an way it was a message to all the Dorothys I know.
      You, they are important to me.

  2. Greetings Beverly.
    This is Suzanne here, Shirley and Harry's daughter.
    You can find a link to Mumia's talk on the
    website home page. Peace and Blessings to you, Suzanne

  3. I'm voting; I'm voting!
    I promise!
    Delaney in Philly.
