Sunday, June 26, 2016

JULY 4. 2016

Garrison Keillor featured almost two hours of songs on the radio last night.  The show "Prairie Home Companion" was heard from Tanglewood, New York. and will be his last one.  It will be rebroadcast on July 30th from California

For me, the songs which Keillor sang were a large part of my summer memories.

It matter little where we were, in the mountains, or on the country, or by a lake or the shore,
summer came and we sat around a bonfire at night.

The nights were dark with stars overhead and the fire chased the evening chill as we sang.

This memory and music gave me a sense of being sure of where we were, and what we meant when we celebrated the 4th of July.

I know that my children and grandchildren have summertime memories of their own.

Their music may be different, and the traditional American holiday fare may include foreign dishes and a greater diversity of friends and family than before, but they along with us recognize the changes that will take place in the next few years.

So this July 4th,  enjoy the fireworks, sing the songs that are most pleasing to you, bring the holiday dishes and let the sky be filled with stars.

 Let us have the courage to continue with the hard work of maintaining and building the equitable future upon which this Nation is and was founded.


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