Tuesday, August 30, 2016


Grab the sand shovel and pail.  Get away to the beach or your backyard or just get outside and enjoy the out of doors.  For goodness sake take time and savor this last holiday before you need to return to schedules.

And while you do all that let's remember too what Labor Day is all about.

The next time you see the garbage men and women give them a smile and mouth a "thank you."
When you see a bus or metro driver wave a "hello." Give a toot on your horn and a thumbs up to the construction crews you may pass at work.

Try a nod of the head and a hearty "thank you" to the food savor who takes and brings your orders. The next time you pass the maintenance people who clean the building where you live look them in the eye and give them a smile. When you see a police car patrolling your street give them a shout out and try a "good to see you!"

All these and more are the true recipients of the Labor Day holiday and with few exceptions all provide the goods and services to keep our economy flowing and contribute in a very personal way to the quality of life in our community.

Thank goodness for those who labor for each of us and for the Unions which represent them.


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