Friday, June 8, 2018


There is an unusual, black 12-foot Obelisk in the Mall where I walk with my friend each morning.  The sculpture stands in contrast to shops, kiosks , food islands and theaters.  Its uniqueness is that it appears to have water running from the top to the bottom never leaving a drop of water at its base or on the floor.  Much of the time we walkers pass it without a glance though children are often intrigued by it.

Today I noticed a young boy watching the obelisk intensely.   I stopped and asked him how does he think the water goes up to the top and than comes down again?  He thought for a moment.  Then he said, "There must be a pipe inside the Obelisk that sucks the water up and then when it hits the bottom the pipe brings the water back up again. "

My friend who is an engineer made a quick sketch to demonstrate how the Obelisk works and how gravity plays a role in the process. As we spoke with the young man and his mother we learned he was in the sixth grade and interested in science.

I do not know what impression all this had on the young man.  What I do know is the boy's awareness of his surroundings and questions will serve him, his school, his community and all of us well as we continue to plan for the future.

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