Wednesday, October 11, 2023


During the beginning of the Jewish New Year, my family and

I made plans to get togather for Rosh Hashanah.  We did so

here at Revitz House . Andrew and Miggi and

Ed and  I had dinner with small glasses of wine. 

Though news about the horrific events in the world had upset us, 

we joined Rabbi Amy Perlin and Gary Perlin at their lovely home. At their table, 

we shared a great dinner and the importance of Shabbat to each of us.  As we approached

 the heart of this holiday, we used Zoom to watch and hear

my granddaughter Emma sing Yom Kippur at her Synagogue in Boston.  

My grandson Hoben and Corbyn's Wedding invitation arrived just in time

to complete the joyous holiday. In spite of a world in turmoil,

the Sukkot was built and I was especially delighted to be able to

eat there, and found other residents who did the same.

Before I added to my blog today, I took a walk outside.

The trees have begun their showing.  Leafs crunched under

my feet. Somewhere there are people in places that may

not know or allow others to know the beauty of music that nature brings.  

May all people know the sweet harmony of faith, now and in the future.


Wear your mask. Get your shots. 



  1. Peace unto all who mourn. Peace unto kol Yisroel.

  2. What a blessing to share Shabbat with you, dearest Beverly. May the richness of our Jewish tradition continue to be a part of your beautiful family.
