Thursday, November 23, 2023

Thanksgiving November 23rd, 2023

 As I sit here, a day before my Thanksgiving dinner, I am not with my family. My oldest son, Edward, is traveling to meet his brother in New York City. My youngest son Andrew will be celebrating Thanksgiving with his wife Miggie, Edward, and my grandchildren Hoben, and his fiance Corbyn, and Emma. Emma has just completed a Shiva service as a Chaplin. My brother and his wife will see their children and grandchildren that are coming from many different states. 

Next to me is a young woman typing this blogpost. Her ancestors hail from Nigeria. Three other helpers of mine come from Pakistan, Uganda, and the Phillipines. All of us will celebrate in some fashion the American Thanksgiving holiday. When I opened today's newspaper, the image on the front page horrified me. Before my eyes, laid eight premature babies. They were birthed at a hospital in Southern Gaza. They were there because we suddenly seem to have forgotten the duty of Pidyon shvuyim, the Jewish mandate to free those who are held captive unjustly. As written in the newspaper, and in the Talmud, " he who saves one life saves the world entirely." 

When antisemitism rears its ugly head, conspiracy theories encourage them, and we allow the spirit of darkness to block our light. American progress was never inevitable. Courage was greatly taken. No one has been more aware of this than most marginalized and vulnerable communities. 

The effects of this are significant. It may seem as though we have taken steps backwards.We seem to have drifted from our principles. We still strive to be a community. We thank each other for what we have given to each other. I am grateful, on this Thanksgiving Day, that the security and safety of my forebearers and friends are protected. May others around the world feel the same.

Stay good. Get vaccinated.

Wear your masks. AND VOTE!

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