Monday, November 30, 2009


The Saint Louis Art Museum sits high in the middle of Forest Park overlooking fountains and imposing statuary. It has the enthusiastic support of people but still needs more members. I visit there often to visit one of its unique exhibits or to hear and see the Metropolitan Opera's simulcast from New York. The Museum's recent Exhibit of "Five Centuries of Japanese Screens" took my breath away.

Some of the history of the life and times of the Japanese people is depicted through delicate painting, calligraphy and poetry. I was especially intrigued by one screen's art work showing the story of "The Tale of Genji" by Murasaki Shikitsa, which is about the life of Japanese people who lived centuries ago. I latter learned that the story is considered the world's first novel.

The words colorful, delicate, intricate, and exquisite can be used to describe this Art Exhibit, one that ends with the words, "To recognize greatness is greatness."

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