Saturday, May 8, 2010


Today is the birthday of Harry S. Truman who served as our 33rd President after the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Truman was a controversial president. When he took office, he was derided because he was "nothing more" than a failed men's store owner who spent years paying off his debts. In the 21st Century, he might have been called an entrepreneur, though a failed one.

During Truman's Presidency, he gave the order to drop two atomic bombs on Japan which ended World War II. He strengthened our country's policy of civilian control over the military when he fired a military General for failing to adhere to that policy. He held himself accountable to his fellow citizens and announced it with a sign on his desk that read "The buck stops here." His actions proved his word. He spoke truth to power and often seemed in constant battle with Congress. He carried himself as a plain speaking, thoughtful man who delighted in his family, his morning walks and his Missouri heritage. He wasn't known for patience with others or himself when he may have miss spoken or made a poor judgement call.

Yet, I scoured my morning paper for some acknowledgement of Truman and his birth date. There was none. I do know that a few weeks ago, in the midst of a busy, legialative season, the Missouri legislature was trying to overturn a Bill that provides a day of Commemoration for their native son. I know that a few years back a 9 billion Congressional Bill for restoration work by the US National Park Service was stalled because Congress objected to the 1.4 million that would apply to restoring Truman's birthplace, farm and museum.

Reflecting on all this, I wondered if it was anger over the outcome of the loss of Dewey to Truman of so many years ago that kept Missouri from recognizing its native son?

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