Tuesday, May 4, 2010


When I arrived in St. Louis, I took a weekly course on the Bible which I still attend. Shortly thereafter I added a six-week course on the Greek Philosophers given by Washington University's Life Long Learning Institute, and this season, I enrolled in a course on Politics at the Institute.

Fellow students range in age from 50 to a gentleman in his 90s. All represent an impressive range of experience, professions and life styles. Some still pursue careers. Some work part time. Others are retired. Some have children and grandchildren. Our dress is eclectic. Suits and ties, dresses and heels, Jeans and sneakers, canes and walkers, wheel chairs, hearing aids are worn and used.

In all my classes I am struck by the similarity of the people here in the mid West to those in the East. I've learned that the Mississippi may divide us geographically but we share the same emotional and laissez-faire opinions about religion and politics as are heard and seen in the East. All of us are as susceptible to reaching conclusions without reason as are the most brilliant among us.

I wonder, doesn't our life long learning experience tell us better?

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