Sunday, June 13, 2010


I am interviewing people in the corporate and not for profit fields for an article I am writing. I ask them about their experience. Then we discuss management issues that could be applicable to both fields.

At the end of one interview, my subject and I began to speak of our grandchildren and the pleasure they bring. He is especially close with his youngest granddaughter. They speak almost every day by telephone. On the child's eight birthday, he promised to take her to New York for her sixteenth birthday. He told her it would be a private trip for just the two of them. He was describing all the things they could see and do when his granddaughter interrupted him. "But grandpa, I am eight! That means I will have to wait the whole rest of my life until I am sixteen!" He paused for a moment and proposed a compromise. "Then let's do it on your 12th birthday." The offer was accepted with enthusiasm.

Whether he realized it or not, he had just given me a short parable about an important principle for successful management, lead, compromise and negotiate.

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