Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I had heard that the 40Th International School Bus Driver Competition was being held here in St. Louis. Something about an international anything sounds exciting and exotic. I had to see it, even though I was unsure where it was being held. I did find dozens of yellow buses on a lot in the shadow of Busch Stadium, home of the Cardinals. The first person I encountered directed me to the officials tent to get answers to my questions.

Drivers from 33 states and Canada were participating and given a written exam the day before the two-day event. On the second day, drivers needed to navigate a course with 17 obstacles. One obstacle in particular caught my eye. Drivers had to navigate a small space marked off by regular size tennis balls without touching the balls. As I watched the proceedings, I was taking notes in a small book. Curious, I asked how many women were among the 110 drivers.

The official noticed my small book. I was informed that The National School Transportation Association of School Bus Drivers was an Equal Opportunity Employer. We both laughed. I never did learn the exact number of women, but I was glad to have added this to my repertoire of information about American Competitions.


  1. Hi Bev---I love your blog! It was great to see you on Monday night at Andrew and Miggie's. Hope to see you soon. Cheers--Jill

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