Saturday, July 31, 2010


On Tuesday, August 3, Missouri citizens will vote for candidates for local, state and federal offices and two important Referendums.

In predictable political hocuspocus fashion, Proposition "C" offers two different questions, but allows voters one answer for both. It deals with the recently passed health care reform law which requires people who can afford it to buy into the program or pay a penalty. So Missouri Legislators, long known for their contrariness came up with their own referendum to nullify Federal Law. Missouri's Referandam is based on ideology which could result in throwing the baby out with the bath water. Nope, I won't be fooled by breezy campaigns. I'll pull the "NO" lever hard.

Proposition "S" deals with a Bond Issue to replace and repair needed equipment and facilities in St. Louis 74 Public Schools. I will vote yes on "S" because I believe the future of this area depends on the kind of educational opportunity we provide our children in environmentally supportive structures.

With all this yes and no business, I am really hard pressed to remember which is what, much like the old Abbott and Costello routine.

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