Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Labadie Missouri is a small town located about an hour's drive west of St. Louis. It is tucked into hills and mountains close by the Missouri River which provides rich, bottom land for farming and spectacular scenery.

Recently, I went there to speak with a small, dedicated group of people who were protesting AmerenUE, the utility company's plan to build a 400 acre landfill to store questionable toxic wastes. Since the 90s the company has been quietly purchasing farm land and has acquired 1100 acres upon which it wants to put the land fill. It wasn't until recently the community became aware of what was happening.

Even though Labadie is located in a County which does not allow storage of toxic wastes in a flood plane, the Company and elected officials are pushing for a quick acceptance of the utility's plan for expansion.

As I left the group, I wondered at the cost we pay as we allow any interest, political or corporate to despoil farmland, disregard flood plain ordinances and laws, and surreptitiously draw up plans without citizen input?

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