Sunday, May 22, 2011


I was discussing my discomfort with the anonymity of the Internet when friends reminded me that readers of this blog don't know much about my background. So, I decided to tell my readers whence I came.

My maternal and paternal grandparents were hard-working immigrants who settled in Pennsylvania and New Jersey and valued education and the opportunities this Country offered above all else. Between both sets they had 13 children. Some children were brought here at a young age, while others were born here. Descendants now live in New York, New Jersey, Long Island, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Georgia, Washington, DC, Virginia, Florida, Colorado, California, Washington State, Missouri, and abroad in Denmark and France.

My immediate and extended family participate in an eclectic assortment of nonprofit, cultural, governmental and political organizations. Familial loyalty and memory is held by most members except for those who chose to go their own way.

My parents taught me to question the fairness of all things. I am influenced by identifiable sources while acknowledging that they and I are capable of error or changing opinion as new information becomes available.

The idea for a name for my blog was given to me by a valued friend with whom I have corresponded over the years.

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