Sunday, April 15, 2012


When a candidate running for public office compares government spending and deficit reduction to managing household budgets, we are in trouble. Here's why.

Ordinary household budgets do not, except through taxes, build and maintain infrastructure like transportation, bridges, sewerage, highways, roads and streets. Government has the wherewithal to expedite such community-wide and national projects. Nor do individual households provide community-wide health care for veterans, children or families. Government has the ability to do so and should do so.

When we hold up household budgeting as an example of why we need to "balance" governmental budgets with cuts to libraries, educators,and health care workers, we jeopardize our quality of life and the country's future. When a candidate tells us to buy our own guns for protection, while cutting budgets for police, firemen and the justice system, the candidate's budget plan contributes to community-wide lawlessness.

How a candidate for elected office views budgeting and deficit spending for the enormous issues and opportunities before us could put us on the road to the future or the road to an unobtainable past. Is personal and government budgeting and deficit spending all the same? I think not!

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