Wednesday, April 11, 2012


I had never heard of "pink slime" until I read about it on the Internet. Reading about it I was reminded of a friend who put himself through college working as a waiter for a large fancy caterer. He would regale everyone with stories of the people he met at some of the events he worked.

He also told us if we saw how the food was handled, we would not eat it. That was a time when restaurant kitchens were off-limits to diners. Now there are glass enclosed kitchens and some restaurants encourage patrons to go through them.

Today there are governmental standards for cleanliness around food service and sales. Still, we are confronted by "pink slime." Congressional hearings are planned. Businesses rightly or wrongly have been shuttered and consumers are outraged.

There is a remedy for all this. Manufacturers should be required to list everything contained in the packaged food they produce. We need to buy more local, small farm-raised food and animals or become vegetarians. Having said all that, I wonder who the heck ever came up with the name. But then, I suppose there is no other way to describe the product.

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