Friday, March 27, 2009


About the time when markets here and around the world began to unravel,I began auditing the course "The History of Political Thought I: Justice, Virtue, and the Soul." The course will take us from the Greek Philosophers in the early 16 century to western political theory.

Presently we are discussing Cicero "On the Commonwealth and On the Laws." Our professor explains that it is Cicero's position that the ability to reason is a key element in determining what laws and actions will be established by a just society.

The problem I am having is with the devaluation of reason as we enter a new century, not A.I.G.'s bonuses. The value we have placed on material goods and sometimes human ability is so askew that to establish a reasonable worth of anything is damn near impossible.

Did those in the markets of housing, commerce, finance, fashion - it makes no difference - ever ask, what is the reason we do this? To produce a better made product or to simply construct another way to play the game, now you see it now you don't?

Forget A.I.G. and its bonuses. No, I would like to know what caused all of us to lose our ability to reason for so long a period of time.

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