Saturday, March 14, 2009

Euphuism and Peekaboo

No matter what we call it, which way we turn it, or which euphemism we use, we are feeling the downturn here as everywhere else. We see it in large and small ways.

A few blocks from me is one of St. Louis' oldest hardware stores. One can still buy nails by the pound there. Customers like me can make small purchases, but the bulk of the store's business is with large building and construction companies.

Last time when I was there I asked how business was? They told me their walk in trade was still good, but their building and construction business was down. They were holding their own, but had to cut employee salaries. Yet, they assured me they had been through so many ups and downs that they would get through this one too. They have been in their present location since the late 1800s.

The local newspaper carries stories of foreclosures, layoffs, and believe it or not, a ponzi scheme by a citizen of the Show Me State. My local library carries a sign telling patrons that they will no longer be able to pick up Income Tax Forms by edict of the Tax Office to conserve paper.

Even so, as I leave the library the sun shines brightly. I pass a small child being pushed in a stroller. When we pass each other, we play peekaboo. The peekaboo did the trick. It lifted my spirits and helped me remember, this too shall pass.

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