Thursday, May 28, 2009


Recently, I noticed a woman with a child coming slowly down the steps to the Post Office. She held the toddler's hand and patiently recited the number of each step as they descended.

The scene brought to mind a small book called "All Children Learn" which was written years ago for parents with children who were developmentally delayed. In it, the author with whom I worked, depicted ordinary activities that parents could use to help make children, all children aware of language and the world in which we live.

In today's high tech world sometimes we forget the value of communicating with children through adult attention and encouragement. Counting steps as we go up and down, calling out the name of each food as we unpack groceries, reciting the color of flowers during a walk with a child, activities when identified out loud will help encourage and answer a child's natural sense of inquisitiveness.

In the midst of a busy day, one woman coming down a set of steps, helped the child beside her learn about our world in a meaningful way.

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