Sunday, June 7, 2009


When I first moved to St. Louis, I took a season's subscription to The Gaslight Theater, a small 100 seat theater which is home to the Actors Studio. The productions have been good and the sets quite creative for the small stage.

A few weeks ago,I went to see "Martha Mitchell Calling" by Jodi Rothe. The One Act play and the actress Glynis Bell,were wonderful. They captured the lady who so unnerved Washington in the 70s that Richard Nixon said, "If it wasn't for Martha, there'd be no Watergate."

The play's program carried an excerpt from Helen Thomas', "Front Row At the White House, My Life and Times." In it Thomas says about Martha,"She should be remembered as the woman who tried to blow the whistle on what was going on, but sometimes her stories seemed so out there, it was close to impossible to get anyone to listen. However I listened and I wrote and I'll let history decide."

At the end of Scene 3. the lights go down and come back up. A funeral wreath stands in the center of the stage. It says "Martha was right!" Then the house goes dark.

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