Sunday, August 23, 2009


My grandparents crossed an ocean to reach this country more than a century ago. They came under duress and had an arduous journey. Now, third, fourth, and fifth generations of their descendants travel with ease across this country and world wide.

The difference in travelers was profoundly witnessed in New York's Times Square where streets have been blocked off from traffic to create a great plaza. Small tables and chairs invite visitors to sit and look at the people and the mega signs, both of which adorn the plaza. As we sat at our table, a man with his son who was in a wheel chair approached us and asked to share our table.

Conversation ensued. The man and his son were animated and excited about their first-time visit to New York. Hundreds of people, some immigrants, were at the Square. I asked the people sharing our table where they were from? Out of all the people from all over the world, they replied, St. Louis. Yep, unlike my grandparent's time it has become a small world after all!

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